Dominik Katavić
About me
Hello! I'm Dominik, and I'm currently a second-year computer science student at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences (TVZ). I entered the world of web application development about a year ago. I'm particularly interested in working with technologies like JS, React, and Next.js, in which I have completed several projects. I'm eager for knowledge and love learning new things.
My skills
One year of experience working with JavaScript on various projects.
React.js i Next.js
Passionate about working with technologies like React.js and Next.js.

My projects
Restaurant booking

Efficiency engine
Recipe finder
Efficiency engine
Efficiency engine je web aplikacija koja omogucava korisniku da vizualno prati svoj napredak kroz razlicite zadatke. Tehnologije koristene pri izradi: React.js, CSS, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB i Chart.js

Recipe finder
Recipe finder je web aplikacija pomocu koje mozete pretraziti recepte ovisno o tome koje sastojke imate kod kuce. Tehnologije koristenje pri izradi: Next.js, React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MYSQL i CSS.
Restaurant booking
Restaurant booking je web aplikacija koja korisniku omogucava pretrazivanje i rezervaciju stola u restoranu. Tehnologije koristene pri izradi: React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB i CSS.
Kontakt info